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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Augmented Reality in the medical field

Nowdays, technology in the medical field is advanced and it is really interesting by using augmented reality. Students that are in the medical field now can use augmented reality to help them such as to practice surgery especially in a controlled environment. Medical conditions can be explained to patient by using visualization aid. Augmented reality can help reduce the risk of an operation by giving the surgeon better sensory perception. This type of technology also can be combined with X-rays and MRI systems to help the surgeon bring all together into a single view for the surgeon.

Neurosurgery is major when it comes to surgical applications of augmented reality. The ability to image the brain in 3D on top of the actual patient’s anatomy is powerful for the surgeon. Although the brain is fixed compared to other parts of the body, it still can be achieved by using this technology it also will give the surgeon the exact coordinates. It is still a worry during surgery the tissue will have some movement. This also could affect the positioning for the augmented reality to do work.


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