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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Augmented Reality Blog Crossword Puzzle Contest!

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I would like inform everyone that we will be holding a Crossword Puzzle Contest which is related to our blog title very soon.
Rules & Regulations
1. This Crossword Puzzle Contest is organised by Augmented Reality Blog which is managed by Zeyar Naing Winn, Desiree Koh Yean Nie, Christopher, students of INTI International College Subang.
2. This Contest is inclusive merely for people who lives in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor State in Malaysia.
3. Contestants must submit their personal details as below to :
-Contact Number
4. Mode of entry is via Email ONLY.
5. Each contestant is allowed to submit only once.
6. The deadline of this Crossword Puzzle Contest is on 24th March 2011 GMT +0800 1800.
7. All entries submitted after the deadline, which is on 24th March 2011 GMT +0800 1800 will be disqualified.
8. There will be only one winner who has the best answer, and the decision of the Blog Authors is final.
9. Results will be posted on our blog no later than Thursday, March 31st 2011.
So Send in your details now!

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