Konrad Zuse invents the first digital computer known as the Z1 (computer).
Z1 is the first ever Programmable Binary Computer which signified the first entry form of augmented reality.

“I remember mentioning to friends back in 1938 that the world chess champion would be beaten by a computer in 50 years time. Today we know computers are not far from this goal.” - Konrad Zuse, in the 1980s

Norbert Wiener creates the science of cybernetics: transmitting messages between man and machine.

Morton Heilig, a cinematographer, creates a motorcycle simulator called Sensorama with visuals, sound, vibration, and smell.

Ivan Sutherland invents the head-mounted display suggesting it was a window into a virtual world.Introducing it at 1966, it was the first ever device which allows user to see virtually from lenses.

Myron Krueger creates Videoplace that allows users to interact with virtual objects for the first time.

The first laptop, the Grid Compass 1100 is released, which was also the first computer to use a clamshell design. The Grid Compass 1100 had an Intel 8086 CPU, 350 Kbytes of memory and a display with a resolution of 320x240 pixels, which was extremely powerful for that time and justified the enormous costs of 10,000 USD. However, its weight of 5kg made it hardly portable, but it made the possibilities of computer being portable possible.
-Information from The Histories Of Augmented Reality.
Video referanced from here.
Now, now, the wonders of evolution from a merely device to aid people in calculating into now a portable compact laptop. As have been told Augmented Reality is taking over a bigger and bigger place than it had been. Ever wonder life without computers? Oh trust me you will miss it.I know because i was in NS without entertainment of electronic devices for 3 months :3
Now people we should always seek improvement and always be updated of things happening.We are the IT students. Being updated is our duty :)
Signing off, your sincrely :D
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